A Khmer culinary herb. ម្អមក្ដាម or ម្អមស្រែ (Limnophila Aromatica). Commonly known as Rice Paddy. A Store-bought herb meant cooking but I saved bottom cuttings for propagation. No more hour drive to Asian market for this herb. The Khmers used it to garnish just a handful of dishes known to be peasant style dishes. In memory of my great-grandparents, a dish they called Drei-Gobb. A concoction of tiny fishes and shrimps dry rubbed with lemongrass paste. A consists of Lemongrass, Kaffir lime leave, Galangal, Tumeric, hot chili, and garlic. Lastly, Rice Paddy herbs for aromatic, and green tamarind as a sour agent, than wrapped in banana or Lotus leave and baked in hot ash/Amber. This cooking method requires no cookware. A native to Cambodia. A perennial in tropical and subtropical climate. Frost sensitive. Hardy in USDA Zone 9a. Rice Paddy herb is an aquatic plant, and spread rampantly forming a mat of spreading stolons just below ...
ជីរបន្លា/ជីរណា, Culantro (Eryngium Foetidum) is Khmer culinary herbs. Used in Soups, Salad, Stir Fry, and Sauce (Khmer pesto). Culantro is one of the most needy herb in my planter gardening in terms of watering and sunlight. Too wet will cause root rot and dies. In USDA zone 9a, direct sun will burn the leave. A native to Cambodia. An annual in tropical and subtropical climate. Frost sensitive. It will reseed itself under a suitable condition. This toothed linear leafy plant is a shade loving plant.. 4282019 A must have in Khmer culinary.
ក្រូចឆ្មា, Calamondin (Citrus × Citrofortunella microcarpa). Container planting, water as needed to keep the soil moist but not wet. Top soil surface should be dry out between waterings. For the coverall healthy plant, mix one part potting soil, one part compost, and one part perlite or vermiculite. Curling means soil is dry. Discolored leaves means the plant is overwatered. 6-8 hours of direct sunlight is recommended. Fertilize quarterly. 6 months on average to have ripened fruits. Home remedy, mixed 1 Tbsp. epsom salts, 1Qt water. Feed 3 times a month. https://www.gardenguides.com/69372-bark-diseases-orange-trees.html http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/C107/m107bpleaftwigdis.html https://www2.ipm.ucanr.edu/agriculture/citrus/asian-citrus-psyllid/ http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/C107/m107bpleaftwigdis.html Citrus Greasy Spot The symptoms include leaves with yellow spots, raised brownish blisters, and eventually, black lesions that have a greasy appearance. Symptoms: Yellow leaf...
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